Case Studies

Department of Housing and Urban Development - Public and Indian Housing and Community Planning and Development

This work with HUD departments Public and Indian Housing (PIH) and  Community Planning and Development (CPD) includes, as contractor's representative,  the delivery of technical assistance in operations, organizational assessment at the  Housing Authority (HA) level, and training on numerous topics and HUD PIH staff. On numerous HUD assignments, staff served as Project Manager with more than 300 large and small HA such as New Orleans, Atlanta, San Antonio, Sikeston, New Bedford, Faller River, York, Enterprise) and numerous Indian Housing Authorities, including Cherokee, Delaware, and Lummi). served as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) on assignment with Atlanta Housing (AH) to advise on creating a three-year sustainability plan for energy and water efficiency. In addition to our work with HUD, staff have worked with numerous non-profit housing advocate groups, HA resident councils, and resident advisory boards.

Our staff served as project manager for technical assistance efforts on homeownership and community outreach assignments for the Housing Authority of New Orleans, developing relocation plans and conducting due diligence for unit turnover to residents as a homeowner. As a recipient of several HUD economic development grants, staff provided the resident management association with extensive training and organizational capacity building toward self-sufficiency.

As a HUD-certified national trainer and SME, senior staff provided site-specific technical assistance to ensure Grantee's compliance with the Grant Agreement; prepared an analysis of all data gathered during site visits for use in evaluating Grantee performance and future technical assistance needs; and produced a user-friendly national directory desk reference which identifies financing and technical assistance sources. Also, the team provided technical assistance support in convening regional meetings and conferences for up to 2,000 attendees.

Staff provided technical assistance to Delaware Tribe Indian Housing Authority, Chelsea, OK, in preparing a Homeownership plan involving the new construction development of housing units. This activity required the preparation of Homeownership affordability studies and the conduct of numerous meetings with community residents. Our staff prepared position papers on Homeownership financing and trained housing authority staff and residents on numerous homeownership issues.

Provided technical assistance to Fall River Housing Authority in preparing their Housing Choice Voucher homeownership program; authored their award-winning HUD Family Self Sufficiency grant and participated in their Physical Needs Assessment study. Our staff provided technical assistance in implementing their homeownership and economic development grants, and we convened resident meetings and worked with resident council members to prepare the grant applications.